Search documentation v0.10.1


Display important messages at the top or bottom of a page

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Use the Banner component to display important messages or alerts at the top or bottom of your page. Use them to announce promotions, discounts, or limited-time offers. You can also use the Banner component to notify users about updates, maintenance or system outages.

New version available! ✨
How to use Banners in Astro
import { Banner } from 'webcoreui/astro'
<Banner>New version available! ✨</Banner>
How to use Banners in Svelte
import { Banner } from 'webcoreui/svelte'
<Banner>New version available! ✨</Banner>
How to use Banners in React
import React from 'react'
import { Banner } from 'webcoreui/react'
const Component = () => (
<Banner>New version available! ✨</Banner>
export default Component

The position of the banner can be customized using the top and bottom props. By default, top is set to 0. You can customize this value in case you also have a navigation menu on top of the banner:

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<Menu items={[ ... ]} logo={{ ... }} />
<Banner top={53}>New version available! ✨</Banner>
Check out the documentation of our Menu component to see how to add a navigation menu to your page.

You can also globally set the top position of all your Banner components by overriding the following CSS variables:

html body {
--w-banner-top: 0;

You can turn the Banner component into a bottom banner by setting the bottom prop to true:

<Banner bottom={true}>New version available! ✨</Banner>

Closable Banners

Depending on the type of the banner, you might want to allow users to close it. To create a closable banner, simply set the closeable prop to true on the Banner component, which will render a close icon:

Click on the x icon to close this banner.
<Banner closeable={true}>Click on the x icon to close this banner.</Banner>

Padded Banners

By default, the Banner component will take up the full width of the available space. You can enable paddings by setting the padded prop to true:

<Banner bottom={true} padded={true}>New version available! ✨</Banner>

Nonsticky Banners

To prevent the banner from following the viewport on scroll, set the sticky prop to false:

New version available! ✨
<Banner sticky={false}>New version available! ✨</Banner>


type BannerProps = {
top?: number
bottom?: boolean
closeable?: boolean
padded?: boolean
sticky?: boolean
className?: string
top 0 Sets the top position of the banner.
bottom false Sets whether the banner should appear at the bottom of the page.
closeable false Makes the banner closable.
padded false Sets padding around the banner. By default, the banner has a 100% width.
sticky true Sets the sticky positioning of the banner.
className - Pass additional CSS classes for the banner.

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