Search documentation v0.10.1


Structured summary of content

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Use the Overview component to guide users through a sequence of steps, lessons, or articles. They improve navigation with a clear overview, making it easier for users to follow progress, and they help them consume information in a step-by-step, categorized manner.

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How to use the Overview component in Astro
import Overview from '@blocks/Overview/Overview.astro'
import { moon, sun } from 'webcoreui/icons'
const overviewItems = [
{ text: 'Overview Component', isTitle: true },
text: '-> Getting Started',
subText: '5min read',
buttons: [{
text: 'Preview'
{ text: '-> Setting up Astro', subText: '3min read' },
{ text: '-> Integrating Webcore', subText: '2min read' },
{ text: 'Setting Up The Project', isTitle: true },
{ text: '-> Imports', subText: '1min read' },
{ text: '-> CSS Configuration', subText: '2min read' },
{ text: '-> Using Themes', subText: `${moon}/${sun}` }
<Overview items={overviewItems} />

The component expects an items prop that expects an array of objects. Each object must have a text property that defines the item text. The rest of the fields are optional, and can be used to display additional details for your steps.

The text and subText properties supports HTML tags, meaning you can add links, format text, or display icons through SVG. You can also add icons to button using the icon property for a buttons object:

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How to use HTML and button icons
const overviewItems = [
isTitle: true,
text: '<span data-tooltip="Get code on Github" data-position="right">Get started with Webcore</span>'
{ text: 'Astro Starter', buttons: [{ text: 'Get code', icon: 'github' }] },
{ text: 'Svelte Starter', buttons: [{ text: 'Get code', icon: 'github' }] },
{ text: 'React Starter', buttons: [{ text: 'Get code', icon: 'github' }] }
<Overview items={overviewItems} />

The icon property can receive an SVG string, or an icon type for Astro components. Please see the documentation of our Icon component to see available icon types.

Visit the documentation of the tooltip to learn more about how to use tooltips in Webcore.


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Component API reference
type OverviewProps = {
items: {
isTitle?: boolean
text: string
buttons?: ({
text: string
icon?: IconProps['type'] | string
} & ButtonProps)[]
subText?: string
className?: string
[key: string]: any
Please see the documentation of the Icon and Button components for the other types.
items Sets the steps for the overview.
items.isTitle Sets the item as a title, making it possible to visually group items.
items.text Sets the text for the step.
items.buttons Adds buttons next to the step.
items.buttons.text Sets the text for the button.
items.buttons.icon Sets an icon for the button. You can pass SVG strings, or an icon type for Astro components.
items.subText Adds additional text next to buttons.
className Pass additional CSS classes for your Overview component.