Search documentation v0.10.1

Blog Card

Present blog posts or articles in a compact, visually appealing format

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Use the BlogCard component to create content previews and increase engagement. The BlogCard component can be used to summarize and highlight key details of an article, such as its title, featured image and snippet, giving users a quick overview before navigating.

Blog img
Blog Card Preview
With featured image, title and text. The text field also support the use of HTML code. Use the text field to provide preview and additional context about the linked page.
How to use BlogCard components in Astro
src: '/img/featured.png',
alt: 'Blog featured img alt',
width: 200,
height: 150
title="Blog Card Preview"

This will create a secondary blog card. Each card must have an href attribute that points to a page. How the link is opened can be configured using the target prop. To add an image for your BlogCard, specify an img prop object with the following properties:

Different Layouts

The above example shows a BlogCard component with a secondary layout. You can create different layout by omitting this prop. The title and text props are also optional, making it possible to create blog cards with a featured image only. This can be useful for links where the image already includes the title of the article, and you don’t want to provide any snippet.

src: '/img/featured.png',
alt: 'Blog featured img alt',
width: 200,
height: 150,
lazy: true
title="Primary Blog Card"
text="Primary blog card with title and text."
src: '/img/featured.png',
alt: 'Blog featured img alt',
width: 200,
height: 150,
lazy: true
title="Blog Card Without Text"
src: '/img/featured.png',
alt: 'Blog featured img alt',
width: 200,
height: 150,
lazy: true


type BlogCardProps = {
href: string
target?: '_self'
| '_blank'
| '_parent'
| '_top'
| '_unfencedTop'
img: {
src: string
alt: string
width: number
height: number
lazy?: boolean
title?: string
text?: string
secondary?: boolean
className?: string
href Sets the link for the card.
target Sets the target of the link.
img Sets the featured image. To lazy load the image, set the img.lazy property to true.
title Sets the title of the card.
text Sets the text of the card.
secondary Sets a secondary layout for the card, where the image and text are aligned side by side.
className Pass additional CSS classes for your BlogCard component.