Search documentation v0.10.1

Error Page

Build simple error pages

Source Report Issue

Use the ErrorPage component to build simple error pages for your users to notify them if something goes wrong. They can prevent user from abandoning the site, and can be used for providing navigation options to important sections on your site. You can customize the type of error, set your titles, provide additional text, and define buttons for restoring user journey.


Page Not Found

Sorry, we cannot found the page you were looking for.

How to use ErrorPage components in Astro
title="Page Not Found"
subTitle="Sorry, we cannot found the page you were looking for."
{ text: 'Back to Home', icon: 'home', href: '#' }

The component expects a type for the HTTP status code, and a title prop for describing the error for the user. Optionally, you can pass a subTitle prop to create a secondary title, or pass an array of Button component using the buttons prop.

HTTP Status Codes

You can use the type prop to build different error pages, and you can pass the typeColor prop to also customize the color of the text:

500 Error pages

Something gone wrong

We encountered an error. Reload the page or contact us if the issue persist.

403 Error pages

Access denied

If you think this is a mistake, please request access from our support team.

title="Something gone wrong"
subTitle="We encountered an error. Reload the page or contact us if the issue persist."
{ text: 'Reload', theme: 'secondary', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Contact', theme: 'secondary', href: '#' }
title="Access denied"
subTitle="If you think this is a mistake, please request access from our support team."
{ text: 'Request access', theme: 'success', href: '#' }

You can use Webcore color variables to specify an existing color for your status. By default the status code is set to --w-color-info. You can override this globally by overwriting the following CSS variable:

body {
--w-type-color: var(--w-color-primary);

Error Page Buttons

The buttons can be specified using an array of Button component props, along with the text and icon properties to set the text for the button or an optional icon. You can pass the type of the icon as a string when using the Astro component, or import an SVG icon and pass the markup. For available icons in Webcore, see the documentation of the Icon component.


Page Not Found

title="Page Not Found"
{ text: 'Back to Home', icon: 'home', href: '#' },
{ text: 'Docs', icon: 'info', theme: 'secondary', href: '#' },
{ text: 'GitHub', icon: 'github', theme: 'secondary', href: '#' }


type ErrorPageProps = {
type: number
typeColor?: string
title: string
subTitle?: string
buttons?: ({
text: string
icon?: string
} & ButtonProps)[]
type Sets the HTTP status code for the error page.
typeColor Sets a text color for the HTTP status code.
title Sets a title for the error page.
subTitle Sets a subtitle for the error page.
buttons Sets buttons under the titles. Pass an array of buttons using the props of the Button component.