Search documentation v0.10.1


Display vertical navigation options aside the main content

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Use the Sidebar component to provide additional navigation options and content to your users in a vertical layout next to your main content. Use the Sidebar component along with a Sheet component to create toggleable sidebars.

How to use Sidebars in Astro
import { Sidebar } from 'webcoreui/astro'
const groups = [{
items: [
{ name: 'Home', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Docs', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Component', href: '#' }
<Sidebar groups={groups} />
How to use Sidebars in Svelte
import { Sidebar } from 'webcoreui/svelte'
const groups = [{
items: [
{ name: 'Home', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Docs', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Component', href: '#' }
<Sidebar groups={groups} />
How to use Sidebars in React
import React from 'react'
import { Sidebar } from 'webcoreui/react'
const groups = [{
items: [
{ name: 'Home', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Docs', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Component', href: '#' }
const Component = () => (
<Sidebar groups={groups} />
export default Component

The Sidebar component expects a single groups prop that specifies the group of links. Each group must have an items property that specifies the link in the format of objects with a name and href property.


To create distinct groups, specify a title property along with the items property for your groups:

<Sidebar groups={[
title: 'SITEMAP',
items: [...]
title: 'THEMES',
items: [...]


Sidebar items can be created with extra text to make them highlighted or provide additional context. Use the badge property on an item to specify additional text, and the badgeTheme property to change the style of the badge. The badgeTheme property can take the values of button themes:

<Sidebar groups={[
title: 'SITEMAP',
items: [
{ name: 'Home', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Docs', href: '#', badge: 'updated', badgeTheme: 'info' },
{ name: 'Component', href: '#', badge: 'new components' }
title: 'THEMES',
items: [...]

By default, badges in sidebars will be created with the success theme.


Icons can also be assigned to sidebar items. To add an icon to a sidebar item, specify the icon property:

<Sidebar groups={[
title: 'SITEMAP',
items: [
{ name: 'Home', href: '#', icon: '<svg ... />' },
{ name: 'Docs', href: '#', icon: 'file', badge: 'updated', badgeTheme: 'info' },
{ name: 'Component', icon: 'components', active: true, badge: 'new components' }
title: 'THEMES',
items: [...]

The icon can be an imported SVG string. You can import icons from webcoreui/icons. For Astro components, you can also reference the icon type. For available icons in Webcore, see the documentation of the Icon component.

Extra Content

If you need to display extra items in your sidebar, you can pass your elements as the children to the component:

<Sidebar groups={itemGroupsWithIcons}>
<Alert theme="info" title="Note">...</Alert>

See the documentation of the Alert component to see how to use it.

Toggleable Sidebar

The Sidebar component can be combined with the Sheet component to create toggleable sidebars:

<Button className="button">Open Sidebar</Button>
<Sheet className="sidebar-sheet" position="left">
<Sidebar groups={[...]} />
.sidebar-sheet {
width: 300px;

Visit the documentation of the Sheet component to learn more about how to work with sheets in Webcore.


type SidebarProps = {
groups: {
title?: string
items: {
name: string
href: string
target?: '_self'
| '_blank'
| '_parent'
| '_top'
| '_unfencedTop'
active?: boolean
icon?: string
badge?: string
badgeTheme?: 'secondary'
| 'outline'
| 'flat'
| 'info'
| 'success'
| 'warning'
| 'alert'
className?: string
groups Sets the item groups for the sidebar.
groups.title Sets the title of the item group. Sets the name of the anchor.
groups.items.href Sets the link of the anchor. Sets the target of the anchor. Sets the anchor as active. Use for the current page.
groups.items.icon Sets an icon in front of the anchor's name.
groups.items.badge Sets additional text after the anchor.
groups.items.badgeTheme Sets the theme of the additional text.
className Pass additional CSS classes for the sidebar.

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