Search documentation v0.10.1

Slide-in Navigation

Animated navigation menu that slide into view

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Use the SlideInNavigation component to animate your navigation menus into view. They maximize space for primary content by hiding navigation items until needed. You can also use them to include secondary links that are not needed in the viewport initially, such as account options.

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How to use the SlideInNavigation component in Astro
const items = [
{ name: 'Home', href: '/' },
{ name: 'Projects', href: '/projects' },
{ name: 'Contact', href: '/contact' }
<SlideInNavigation items={items} delay={0.07} />

To use the SlideInNavigation component, pass an items prop that expects a list of URLs in the form of an array of objects with the following possible properties:

The above example also uses the delay prop which can be used to delay the animation of each menu item by a number of milliseconds. You can omit this prop or adjust its value to get different types of animations:

No delay
Delay set to 0.2

In the above example, delay is set to 0.2. The higher the value, the slower the animation becomes. Prefer using smaller values to improve perceived performance.


By default, the navigation will be rendered on the left-side of its container. You can easily change this positioning and move your slide-in navigation from left to right using the reverse prop:

Default vs Reverse
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How to position the menu to the right-side


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Component API reference
type SlideInNavigationProps = {
items: {
name: string
href?: string
target?: '_self'
| '_blank'
| '_parent'
| '_top'
| '_unfencedTop'
reverse?: boolean
delay?: number
className?: string
items Sets the navigation items of the menu. Sets the name of the navigation item.
items.href Sets the link of the navigation item. Sets the target of the navigation link.
reverse Changes the direction of the menu from left to right.
delay Adds animation delay to each subsequent navigation items.
className Pass additional CSS classes for the SlideInNavigation component.