Search documentation v0.10.1

Dropdown Navigation

Display navigation options with dropdown menus

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Use the DropdownNavigation component to display a navigation menu with optional dropdown menus. They’re space efficient and can be used to organize menus with subcategories.

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How to use the DropdownNavigation component in Astro
const dropdownNavigationMenuItems = [
{ name: 'Home', url: '/' },
name: 'Posts',
children: [
{ name: 'Getting Started', url: '#' },
{ name: 'Installation', url: '#' },
{ name: 'Configuration', url: '#' }
{ ... }
logo={{ html: '<svg ... />' }}

To use the DropdownNavigation component, you need to pass an array of navigation objects to the items prop. Each object can have the following properties:

Alongside the menu items, you can also display a logo by setting the logo prop. In the above example, the logo is set to an SVG string. However, you can also specify an external image by setting the following properties for the logo object:


By default, the DropdownNavigation component is set to sticky positioning, meaning it’ll follow the viewport on scroll. You can disable this in your dropdown-navigation.module.scss file by setting the $sticky variable at the top of the file to false:

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How to disable sticky positioning in your component's CSS
$sticky: false;

There’s also an $expandedMaxHeight variable in the module CSS that you can use to customize the speed of the dropdown animation on mobile. Set this to a height greater than the height of your menu items combined.


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Component API reference
type DropdownNavigationProps = {
items: {
name: string
url?: string
children?: {
name: string
url: string
logo?: {
url?: string
alt?: string
width?: number
height?: number
html?: string
className?: string
items Sets the navigation links. Sets the name of the navigation link.
items.url Sets a url for the navigation link.
items.children Sets the submenu items of the navigation element, turning it into a dropdown menu. Sets the name of the submenu item.
items.children.url Sets the url of the submenu item.
logo Specifies a logo for the menu.
logo.url Sets the path for the logo.
logo.alt Sets an alternate text for the logo.
logo.width Sets the width of the logo.
logo.height Sets the height of the logo.
logo.html Use for directly injecting SVG logos into the markup.
className Pass additional CSS classes for the dropdown menu.