Search documentation v0.10.1

Fund Raising Card

Collect donations from users for campaigns

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Use the FundRaisingCard component to highlight fundraising campaigns and encourage donations or support using call to actions. Use them to promote charity or crowdfunding campaigns or to display donation metrics. The can help increase user engagement and improve transparency.

125 of 300 patrons
Fund Raising Card
Use the FundRaisingCard component to collect donations from users for a campaign.
213 of 300 donators
Themed Fund Raising Card
Use the FundRaisingCard component to collect donations from users for a campaign.
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How to use the FundRaisingCard component in Astro
title="Fund Raising Card"
progressBar={{ label: true }}
buttons={[{ text: 'Donate' }]}
src: '/img/featured.png',
alt: 'Featured image alt',
height: 175,
width: 300
<span class="muted">
Use the <code>FundRaisingCard</code> component to collect donations from users for a campaign.

The FundRaisingCard component has three mandatory props:

The progress bar is automatically created using the progress and goal props. The rest of the props from the above example are optional:

Inside the component, you can pass any other element to build the body of the card.


The FundRaisingCard component extends the Card component, meaning you can further customize its appearance with any valid CardProps value. Here are some other examples with different styles using card configurations:

125 of 300 patrons
Secondary Fund Raising Card
Use the FundRaisingCard component to collect donations from users for a campaign.
213 of 300 donators
Compact Fund Raising Card
Use the FundRaisingCard component to collect donations from users for a campaign.
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How to customize the card
text: 'Donate'
}, {
text: 'Share',
theme: 'outline'
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How to customize the card
label: true,
color: 'var(--w-color-success)'


To customize the label, you can use the progressLabel prop on the card which supports placeholders for the progress and goal props using the {0} and {1} syntax respectively. Take the following as an example:

$125 reached of $300
Custom label with placeholders
This fund raising card has a custom label customized through the progressLabel prop.
We need 175 supporters to maintain this site.
Remaining calculated
This fund raising card has a custom label customized through the progressLabel prop.
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How to customize the progress label
title="Fund Raising Card"
progressBar={{ label: true }}
progressLabel="<b>${0} reached</b> of ${1}"
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How to customize the progress label
const progress = 125
const goal = 300
title="Fund Raising Card"
progressBar={{ label: true }}
progressLabel={`We need <b>${goal - progress}</b> supporters to maintain this site.`}


The progressbar itself can also be customized using the progressBar prop. Read the documentation of the Progress component to see all available options for this prop.

125 of 300
Default progress bar
125 of 300
Small, striped progress bar
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How to customize the progress bar
title="Small, striped progress bar"
striped: true,
square: true,
size: null,
stripeLight: '#B2F78D',
stripeDark: '#70C542',
background: 'var(--w-color-primary-60)'


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Component API reference
type FundRaisingCardProps = {
img?: {
src: string
alt: string
width: number
height: number
lazy?: boolean
progress: number
goal: number
progressLabel?: string
additionalLabel?: string
progressBar?: Omit<ProgressProps, 'value'>
title: string
buttons?: ({
text: string
icon?: string
} & ButtonProps)[]
className?: string
} & CardProps
Please see the documentation of the Card component for the CardProps type, and consult the documentation of the Button and Progress components for the ButtonProps and ProgressProps types.
img Specifies a image for the card.
img.url Sets the path for the image.
img.alt Sets an alternate text for the image.
img.width Sets the width of the image.
img.height Sets the height of the image.
img.lazy Set to true to lazy load the image.
progress Sets the progress of the fund raising.
goal Sets the goal of the fund raising.
progressLabel Sets a custom text for the progress label. You can use the {0} and {1} placeholders.
additionalLabel Sets additional labels above the progress bar.
title Sets the title of the fund raising card.
buttons Sets CTA buttons at the bottom of the card.
buttons.text Sets the label for the CTA.
buttons.icon Sets an icon for the CTA. You can pass SVG strings, or an icon type for Astro components.
className Pass additional CSS classes for the card.