Search documentation v0.10.1


Simulate the layout of content while loading

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Use the Skeleton component to indicate the loading state of your application. They can be used to improve perceived loading speed, and can provide a seamless transition between loading and fully-loaded content, helping users to stay oriented. They can also help you reduce layout shifts while content is dynamically loaded within your page.

How to use Skeletons in Astro
import { Skeleton } from 'webcoreui/astro'
<Skeleton />
How to use Skeletons in Svelte
import { Skeleton } from 'webcoreui/svelte'
<Skeleton />
How to use Skeletons in React
import React from 'react'
import { Skeleton } from 'webcoreui/react'
const Component = () => (
<Skeleton />
export default Component

You can call the Skeleton component without any props. This will create a component that will take up the full width and height of its container.

Setting Dimensions

To change the dimensions of your Skeleton component, you can specify a width and height prop:

Skeleton with custom width
Skeleton with custom height
<Skeleton width={300} />
<Skeleton width={200} />
<Skeleton width={100} />
<Skeleton height={50} />
<Skeleton height={25} />
<Skeleton height={10} />

Skeleton Types

The Skeleton component also comes with 3 different types; rounded, rectangular, and circle:

Rounded (default)
<Skeleton type="rectangular" />
<Skeleton type="circle" width={20} height={20} />

Note that you must set the width and height props to the same values when using the circle type, otherwise, your circle will be distorted.


The default animation of the Skeleton component is a wave animation. This can be configured with the animate prop. It can be changed to pulse or false for no animation:

Wave (default)
No animation
<Skeleton animate="pulse" />
<Skeleton animate={false} />

Custom Colors

You can customize the colors of your Skeleton component using the color and waveColor props:


The waveColor is only used if the animate type is set to wave (default). These props allows you to customize the colors of each Skeleton component. However, if you need to specify a custom color globally for all of your Skeleton components, the preferred way is to override the following CSS variables instead:

html body {
--w-skeleton-color: var(--w-color-primary-60);
--w-skeleton-wave-color: var(--w-color-primary-50);


type SkeletonProps = {
animate?: 'wave' | 'pulse' | false
type?: 'rounded' | 'rectangular' | 'circle'
width?: number
height?: number
color?: string
waveColor?: string
className?: string
animate wave Sets the animation of the skeleton. Set to false to disable animation.
type rounded Sets the type of the skeleton.
width 100% Sets the width of the skeleton.
height 100% Sets the height of the skeleton.
color var(--w-color-primary-60) Sets the background color of the skeleton.
waveColor var(--w-color-primary-50) Sets the wave color of the skeleton when animation is set to wave.
className - Pass additional CSS classes for the component.

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