Search documentation v0.10.1

Sticky CTA

Display a call to action that follows the viewport

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Use the StickyCta component to display a fixed call to action that follows the viewport on scroll. They can increase conversion rate by improving visibility. Use them for promotional key actions, like “Buy Now”, “Subscribe”, or to direct users to a landing page. To get started, pass a cta prop to the component:

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How to use the StickyCta component in Astro
const cta = {
text: 'Get Started ->',
theme: 'secondary',
href: '#'
<StickyCta cta={cta}>
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You can use the StickyCta component with a single cta prop that defines the props for a CTA button. You can use any valid ButtonProps type to customize your CTA, along with a text and icon prop to set the button’s text and icon. Inside your component, you can define your call to action, along with any other element:

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Using the Sticky CTA with additional content
import { Icon } from 'webcoreui/astro'
<StickyCta cta={cta}>
<Icon type="github" />
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To improve the appearance of your sticky CTA, you can optionally add thumbnails. Use the img prop to describe your thumbnail:

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How to use thumbnails
const cta = { ... }
const img = {
src: '/img/thumbnail.png',
alt: 'Thumbnail',
width: 60,
height: 60
<StickyCta cta={cta} img={img}>
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When using thumbnail images, you can optionally add a lazy prop and set it to true to lazy-load the image.


The StickyCTA component comes with 6 different themes out of the box. To set a theme, use the theme prop:

Default theme
Secondary theme
Info theme
Success theme
Warning theme
Alert theme
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How to use themes
<StickyCta cta={cta} img={img} theme="secondary">...</StickyCta>
<StickyCta cta={cta} img={img} theme="info">...</StickyCta>
<StickyCta cta={cta} img={img} theme="success">...</StickyCta>
<StickyCta cta={cta} img={img} theme="warning">...</StickyCta>
<StickyCta cta={cta} img={img} theme="alert">...</StickyCta>

Note that you can separately style the theme of the CTA button using the cta.theme prop. For available button themes, see the API documentation of the Button component.

Trigger Actions

By default, the sticky CTA will float at the bottom of the viewport. This behavior can be customized, and you can use the following props to trigger the sticky CTA based on when an element enters or leaves the viewport:

Scroll past this element to trigger a sticky CTA.
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How to trigger the sticky CTA based on other elements
<Alert theme="info" className="sticky-trigger">
Scroll past this element to trigger a sticky CTA.
This sticky CTA is only triggered after the above element leaves the viewport. Scroll back to hide it.


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Component API reference
type StickyCtaProps = {
img?: {
src: string
alt: string
width: number
height: number
lazy?: boolean
cta: ({
text: string
icon?: string
} & ButtonProps)
theme?: 'secondary'
| 'info'
| 'success'
| 'warning'
| 'alert'
showBefore?: string
showAfterEnter?: string
showAfter?: string
rootMargin?: string
className?: string
id?: string
Please see the documentation of the Button component for the ButtonProps type.
img Sets a small thumbnail image for the CTA element.
img.src Sets the path for the image.
img.alt Sets an alternate text for the image.
img.width Sets the width of the image.
img.height Sets the height of the image.
img.lazy Set to true to enable lazy loading for the image.
cta Sets the CTA button.
cta.text Sets the label for the CTA.
cta.icon Sets an icon for the CTA. You can pass SVG strings, or an icon type for Astro components.
theme Sets the theme of the sticky CTA.
showBefore Shows the sticky CTA before it reaches the target selector.
showAfterEnter Shows the sticky CTA after the target selector enters the viewport.
showAfter Shows the sticky CTA after the target selector exits the viewport.
rootMargin Sets a custom root margin for the trigger element.
className Pass additional CSS classes for the StickyCta component.
id Specify a unique ID for the StickyCta component.