Search documentation v0.10.1

Competition Results

Visualize outcomes in a structured format

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Use the CompetitionResults component to visualize outcomes of games, sports, or contests between two people in a structured format. They can present information in a clear and organized way. Connecting the component with an API can also turn the element into a real-time update feed.

Lost with 42.01% (total votes: 226)Won with 57.99% (total votes: 312)
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How to use the CompetitionResults component in Astro
const competitorA = {
name: 'Jane',
score: 226,
subText: 'Lost with {1} (total votes: {0})',
img: {
src: '/img/jane.png',
alt: 'Jane',
size: 50
const competitorB = {
name: 'Jack',
score: 312,
subText: 'Won with {1} (total votes: {0})',
img: {
src: '/img/jack.png',
alt: 'Jack',
size: 50
<CompetitionResults competitors={[competitorA, competitorB]} />

The component expects a competitors prop that should have two competitor objects with the following properties:

Showing Percentages

You can show percentages using the showPercentage property. This is displayed along with the score in case you want to display both. If you want to hide the score and display the percentage only, you also need to set the showScore property to false:

Results with percentages
Lost with 42.01% (total votes: 226)Won with 57.99% (total votes: 312)
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How to display percentages
competitors={[competitorA, competitorB]}

Percentages are automatically formatted and clipped up to two decimal places. You can also show names only by disabling showScore.

Custom Colors

In the default setting, the first competitor will use the --w-color-info variable as the color, and --w-color-alert will be used by the second. To change colors, you can specify a color property on your competitor object:

Custom colors
Lost with 42.01% (total votes: 226)Won with 57.99% (total votes: 312)
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How to set custom colors
const competitorA = {
name: 'Jane',
color: 'var(--w-color-success)',
const competitorB = {
name: 'Jack',
color: 'var(--w-color-warning)'
<CompetitionResults competitors={[competitorA, competitorB]} />

You can use CSS variables or any other valid color value, such as hex codes. This sets the colors for the competitors on the component level. If you want to set custom colors globally, prefer overriding the following CSS variables instead:

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How to set colors globally
html body {
--w-competition-results-color-a: var(--w-color-info);
--w-competition-results-color-b: var(--w-color-alert);

Disabling Highlights

The winner will automatically gets highlighted using a border and a check mark. You can disable both of them using the showWinnerBorder and showWinnerCheckMark props:

No highlight
Lost with 42.01% (total votes: 226)Won with 57.99% (total votes: 312)
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How to disable highlights
competitors={[competitorA, competitorB]}


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Component API reference
type CompetitionResultsProps = {
competitors: {
name: string
score: number
color?: string
subText?: string
img: {
src: string
} & Omit<AvatarProps, 'img'>
showScore?: boolean
showPercentage?: boolean
showWinnerCheckMark?: boolean
showWinnerBorder?: boolean
className?: string
Please see the documentation of the Avatar component for the AvatarProps type.
competitors [] Sets the data for the competitors. - Sets the name of the competitor.
competitors.score - Sets the score of the competitor.
competitors.color - Sets the color associated with the competitor.
competitors.subText - Sets additional text under the competitor. Use {0}/{1} for score/percentage.
competitors.img - Sets an avatar for the competitor.
showScore true Shows competitors.score.
showPercentage false Shows percentages calculated from scores.
showWinnerCheckMark true Sets a check mark next to the winner's avatar.
showWinnerBorder true Highlights the winner's avatar with a border.
className - Pass additional CSS classes for your component.