Search documentation v0.10.1


Guide users through a series of steps

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Use the Stepper component to guide users through a series of steps or stages in a process, such as registration, checkout, or onboarding. They provide clear progress tracking with a simplified navigation that improves usability.

  1. 1 Setup
  2. 2 Configure
  3. 3 Finish
How to use Steppers in Astro
import { Stepper } from 'webcoreui/astro'
const stepper = [
{ title: 'Setup' },
{ title: 'Configure' },
{ title: 'Finish' }
<Stepper items={stepper} />
How to use Steppers in Svelte
import { Stepper } from 'webcoreui/svelte'
const stepper = [
{ title: 'Setup' },
{ title: 'Configure' },
{ title: 'Finish' }
<Stepper items={stepper} />
How to use Steppers in React
import React from 'react'
import { Stepper } from 'webcoreui/react'
const stepper = [
{ title: 'Setup' },
{ title: 'Configure' },
{ title: 'Finish' }
const Component = () => (
<Stepper items={stepper} />
export default Component

The Stepper component expects an items prop in the form of an array of objects that can have the following properties:

Steppers can also be created with additional subtitles using the subTitle prop:

  1. 1
    SetupGet ready
  2. 2
  3. 3
    FinishFinal steps
<Stepper items={[
{ title: 'Setup', subTitle: 'Get ready' },
{ title: 'Configure', subTitle: 'Preferences' },
{ title: 'Finish', subTitle: 'Final steps' }
]} />

Stepper Statuses

The items of a Stepper component can accept two types of states: completed and active. Use them to indicate the progress of your stepper:

  1. 1
    SetupGet ready
  2. 2
  3. 3
    FinishFinal steps
Completed + Active
  1. 1
    SetupGet ready
  2. 2
  3. 3
    FinishFinal steps
<Stepper items={[
{ title: 'Setup', subTitle: 'Get ready', completed: true },
{ title: 'Configure', subTitle: 'Preferences' },
{ title: 'Finish', subTitle: 'Final steps' }
]} />
<Stepper items={[
{ title: 'Setup', subTitle: 'Get ready', completed: true },
{ title: 'Configure', subTitle: 'Preferences', active: true },
{ title: 'Finish', subTitle: 'Final steps' }
]} />

Steppers with Icons

To customize your Stepper component, you can use icons. Pass an icon property to one of your items and specify the type of icon, or pass an SVG string to the property:

  1. SetupGet ready
  2. ConfigurePreferences
  3. 3
    FinishFinal steps
<Stepper items={[
{ title: 'Setup', subTitle: 'Get ready', completed: true, icon: 'circle-check' },
{ title: 'Configure', subTitle: 'Preferences', active: true, icon: 'github' },
{ title: 'Finish', subTitle: 'Final steps' }
// Import icons at the top of your component
import { github, circleCheck } from 'webcoreui/icons'
<Stepper items={[
{ title: 'Setup', subTitle: 'Get ready', completed: true, icon: circleCheck },
{ title: 'Configure', subTitle: 'Preferences', active: true, icon: github },
{ title: 'Finish', subTitle: 'Final steps' }
To see the list of available icon types, please refer to the documentation of the Icon component.

Colors and Styles

To customize the colors of your Stepper component, use the color, completedColor, and activeColor props:

  1. SetupGet ready
  2. ConfigurePreferences
  3. 3
    FinishFinal steps
items={[ ... ]}

You can reference the themes documentation page for the available color variables in Webcore. If you need to use custom colors for all of your Stepper components, you should override the following CSS variables once:

html body {
--w-stepper-color-border: var(--w-color-primary-50);
--w-stepper-color-active: var(--w-color-info);
--w-stepper-color-complete: var(--w-color-success);

Additionally, in case you don’t want a border around your numbers and icons, you can remove them by setting the borderless prop to true:

  1. SetupGet ready
  2. ConfigurePreferences
  3. 3
    FinishFinal steps
  1. SetupGet ready
  2. ConfigurePreferences
  3. 3
    FinishFinal steps
<Stepper items={[ ... ]} borderless={true} />

Vertical Stepper

Due to limited space, the Stepper component is displayed vertically on smaller devices. This verticality can be kept by setting the vertical prop to true:

  1. SetupGet ready
  2. ConfigurePreferences
  3. 3
    FinishFinal steps
<Stepper items={[ ... ]} vertical={true} />


type StepperProps = {
items: {
icon?: string
title?: string
subTitle?: string
completed?: boolean
active?: boolean
color?: string
completedColor?: string
activeColor?: string
borderless?: boolean
vertical?: boolean
className?: string
items Sets the steps for the stepper.
items.icon Sets an icon for the stepper. Can be an icon type for Astro components, or an SVG string for Svelte/React.
items.title Sets a title for the step.
items.subTitle Sets a subtitle for the step.
items.completed Sets the step as completed. Sets the step as active.
color Sets the color of steps.
completedColor Sets the color of completed steps.
activeColor Sets the color of active steps.
borderless Removes the borders from the steps.
vertical Sets the stepper to a vertical layout.
className Pass additional CSS classes for the stepper.

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