Search documentation v0.10.1

Card with CTA

Combine your cards with a clear call to action

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Use the CardwithCta component to create cards with a clear CTA to encourage user engagement. Use them to promote your products, services, or features with a “Learn More” or “Buy Now” button, encourage sign-ups for newsletters, or drive engagement with content.

Card with CTA
Card with CTA with only the required props
including a title, and a CTA button.
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How to use the CardwithCta component in Astro
const ctaButton = {
text: 'CTA',
theme: 'secondary'
<CardwithCta title="Card with CTA" button={ctaButton}>

The card must be created with the following two required props:

The component can also be created with optional subtitles, using the subTitle prop:

Card with CTA With additional subtitle
Card with CTA with both titles, CTA, and short description.
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How to use subtitles
title="Card with CTA"
subTitle="With additional subtitle"
button={{ ... }}

Cards with Images

You can use the img prop to create cards with featured images:

Card with CTA Including subtitle
Component with all possible props.
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How to add images to CTA cards
title="Card with CTA"
subTitle="Including subtitle"
src: '/img/featured.png',
alt: 'Featured img alt text',
width: 100,
height: 150,
lazy: true
button={{ ... }}
Component with all possible props.

You can specify the following properties on the image object:


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Component API reference
type CardWithCtaProps = {
title: string
subTitle?: string
className?: string
bodyClassName?: string
img?: {
src: string
alt: string
width: number
height: number
lazy?: boolean
button: {
text: string
icon?: string
} & ButtonProps
} & CardProps
Please see the documentation of the Card component for the CardProps type, and consult the documentation of the Button component for the ButtonProps type.
title Sets the title of the card.
subTitle Sets the subtitle of the card.
className Pass additional CSS classes for the card.
bodyClassName Pass additional CSS classes for the body of the card.
img Sets an image for the card.
img.src Sets the path for the image.
img.alt Sets an alternate text for the image.
img.width Sets the width of the image.
img.height Sets the height of the image.
img.lazy Set to true to enable lazy loading for the image.
button Sets the CTA for the card.
button.text Sets the text of the CTA.
button.icon Sets an icon for the CTA. You can pass SVG strings, or an icon type for Astro components.