Search documentation v0.10.1


List of toggleable contents hidden behind headers

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Manage and present large amounts of content in a compact and organized manner. Use accordions for organized content, FAQ elements, or presenting product information.

  • We provide 30 days of support.
  • Yes!
  • Hopefully.
How to use Accordions in Astro
import { Accordion } from 'webcoreui/astro'
<Accordion items={[{
title: 'What is Webcore?',
content: 'Webcore is an open-source, customizable UI component library for Astro, Svelte, and React.'
}, {
title: 'How can I start using Webcore?',
content: 'Run <code>npm i webcoreui</code> in your terminal to install the package.'
}, {
title: 'Is there anything else I need to know?',
content: 'Yes! There\'s plenty of information in the documentation.'
}]} />
How to use Accordions in Svelte
import { Accordion } from 'webcoreui/svelte'
<Accordion items={[{
title: 'What is Webcore?',
content: 'Webcore is an open-source, customizable UI component library for Astro, Svelte, and React.'
}, {
title: 'How can I start using Webcore?',
content: 'Run <code>npm i webcoreui</code> in your terminal to install the package.'
}, {
title: 'Is there anything else I need to know?',
content: 'Yes! There\'s plenty of information in the documentation.'
}]} />
How to use Accordions in React
import React from 'react'
import { Accordion } from 'webcoreui/react'
const Component = () => (
<Accordion items={[{
title: 'What is Webcore?',
content: 'Webcore is an open-source, customizable UI component library for Astro, Svelte, and React.'
}, {
title: 'How can I start using Webcore?',
content: 'Run <code>npm i webcoreui</code> in your terminal to install the package.'
}, {
title: 'Is there anything else I need to know?',
content: 'Yes! There\'s plenty of information in the documentation.'
}]} />
export default Component

Accordion components expect a single items prop in the form of an array of objects to set accordion elements. You can use HTML tags in the content property to format your content.

Accordion Icons

By default, the Accordion component uses chevron icons. This can be changed to a plus icon using the icon prop, or can be removed entirely:

  • We provide 30 days of support.
  • Yes!
  • Hopefully.
Plus icon
  • We provide 30 days of support.
  • Yes!
  • Hopefully.
No icon
  • We provide 30 days of support.
  • Yes!
  • Hopefully.
<Accordion items={[ ... ]} icon="plus" />
<Accordion items={[ ... ]} icon="none" />

Reverse and Alternating Layout

You can also change the order of the icon and title with the reverse and item.reverse props to create different layouts:

Reverse layout
  • We provide 30 days of support.
  • Yes!
  • Hopefully.
Alternating layout
  • We provide 30 days of support.
  • Yes!
  • Hopefully.
items={[ ... ]}
title: 'What is Webcore?',
content: '...'
}, {
title: 'How can I start using Webcore?',
content: '...',
reverse: true
}, {
title: 'Is there anything else I need to know?',
content: '...'


type AccordionProps = {
items: {
title: string
content: string
reverse?: boolean
icon?: 'plus' | 'none'
reverse?: boolean
className?: string
items.title Sets the title of the accordion.
items.content Sets the content related to the title. Pass HTML along with your string to render HTML.
items.reverse Changes the order of the title and the icon.
icon Sets the icon. Uses a chevron by default, which can be changed to a plus sign or no icon.
reverse Changes the order of the title and the icon for all items.
className Pass additional CSS classes for the component.

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