Search documentation v0.10.1

Gradient Card

Add animated borders to your cards

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Use the GradientCard component to add an animated gradient border to your cards to increase their visibility, and highlight important content on your page, such as featured products, special offers, promotions, top-rated items, or new releases.

Gradient Card

Gradient Card with animated border

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How to use the GradientCard component in Astro
<GradientCard title="Gradient Card" secondary={true}>
Gradient Card with animated border

The API of the GradientCard component matches the API of the Card component, meaning you can use any valid card prop with your GradientCard component. In the above example, both the title and secondary props are specific to the Card component. The GradientCard is only responsible for adding an animated border to your card that can be further configured with additional props.

Border Size

You can customize the size of the border by specifying the border prop on the component:

Thicker borders

Gradient Card with increased border

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How to customize the border size of the component
<GradientCard title="Thicker borders" secondary={true} border={3}>
Gradient Card with increased border

Animation Timing

The border does one rotation every five seconds. This animation timing can be refined using the animationTime prop:

Animation time

Gradient Card with 1s animation time

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How to customize animation timing
<GradientCard title="Animation time" secondary={true} animationTime={1}>
Gradient Card with 1s animation time

Custom Colors

The component uses a mixture of blue and purple colors by default. You can easily change this to suit your brand colors by specifying the startColor and endColor props on the card:

Custom colors

Gradient Card with custom colors

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How to customize colors
title="Custom colors"
Gradient Card with custom colors
You can use existing Webcore color theme CSS variables to set the color of your border. See our theme documentation for a list of all available color variables.

Configure Blur

Similar to colors, you can customize the blur and spread amount of the border, using the blurAmount and scaleAmount props:

Custom blur

Gradient Card with custom blur

Custom scale

Gradient Card with custom scale

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How to customize blur amount
title="Custom blur"
Gradient Card with custom blur
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How to customize scale amount
title="Custom scale"
Gradient Card with custom scale

Customize with CSS

The above props can be used to customize the appearance of your GradientCard components on an individual basis. However, if you need custom styles for all of your GradientCard components, the recommended way is to override the following CSS variables once, and remove any GradientCard-specific props from your code:

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How to customize GradientCard through CSS
html body {
--w-gradient-card-border: 2px;
--w-gradient-card-animation-time: 5s;
--w-gradient-card-start-color: #1CAED7;
--w-gradient-card-end-color: #4E00C2;
--w-gradient-card-blur-amount: 75px;
--w-gradient-card-scale-amount: .8;


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Component API reference
type GradientCardProps = {
border?: number
animationTime?: number
startColor?: string
endColor?: string
blurAmount?: number
scaleAmount?: number
className?: string
} & CardProps
Please see the documentation of the Card component for the CardProps type.
border 2px Sets the width of the animated border.
animationTime 5s Sets the animation time.
startColor #1CAED7 Sets the start color of the animation.
endColor #4E00C2 Sets the end color of the animation.
blurAmount 75px Sets the blur amount of the border.
scaleAmount .8 Sets the spread of the border.
className - Pass additional CSS classes for the card.