Search documentation v0.10.1

Tiles with Icons

Display links in a grid format

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Use the Tiles component to display navigation links in a grid format to structure information clearly, allowing users to scan and find content quickly. Tiles are response, but their column count can also be set explicitly. They can be created with or without icons:

How to use the Tiles component
{ icon: astro, label: 'Astro', href: '' },
{ icon: svelte, label: 'Svelte', href: '' },
{ icon: react, label: 'React', href: '' },
{ icon: terminal, label: 'CLI', href: '' }

The Tiles component expects an items prop that defines the links in the form of an array of objects. Each object can have the following properties:


By default, the Tiles component will use a two column layout. The exceptions from this is if the tiles has 1 or 3 items. If there is only one element, it’ll display the tile using a single column. For exactly 3 items, it’ll display the tiles in a 3 column layout. An explicit column can also be specified using the columns prop:

items={[ ... ]}

Column can go up to a maximum of 4. If you need to have more columns, you can add the following css rules to your Tiles component:

@use 'webcoreui/config' as *;
@include media(xs) {
// For a six column layout, add the following:
.xs-6 {
grid-template-columns: repeat(6, minmax(0, 1fr));

You’ll also need to update your type definitions in tiles.ts to avoid errors:

import type { ButtonProps, IconProps } from 'webcoreui/astro'
export type TilesProps = {
columns?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
columns?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6
items: {
label: string
href: string
target?: ButtonProps['target']
icon?: IconProps['type'] | string


type TilesProps = {
columns?: number
items: {
label: string
href: string
target?: '_self'
| '_blank'
| '_parent'
| '_top'
| '_unfencedTop'
icon?: IconProps['type'] | string
columns Sets the number of columns for the tiles.
items Sets the tile items.
items.label Sets the label for the tile.
items.href Sets the link for the tile. Sets the target of the link.
items.icon Sets an icon for the tile.