Search documentation v0.10.1

Blog Template for Astro

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Blog Template for Astro

This template is designed to help you build a high-performance, SEO-friendly blog with Astro. Whether you’re sharing technical insights, personal stories, or industry updates, this setup ensures a fast, accessible, and engaging reading experience.

Easy to Setup

How to use the Blog template in Astro
import Blog from '@templates/Blog.astro'
const layout = {
seo: { ... } // Your SEO configuration
menu: { ... } // Menu configuration
footer: { ... } // Footer configuration
hero={{ ... }} {/* Your Hero section */}
tilesTitle="Explore" {/* Set the title to your tiles section */}
tiles={[ ... ]} {/* Set your category tiles with icons */}
postsTitle="Latest Articles" {/* Set the title to your latest articles section */}
posts={[ ... ]} {/* Set your latest articles */}
recommendedTitle="Recommended" {/* Set the title of your recommended articles section */}
recommended={[ ... ]} {/* Set your recommended articles */}
authorTitle="About the Author" {/* Set the title of your author block */}
author={{ ... }} {/* Set your author */}
<p>Here you can specify additional content on the page.</p>
The structure of props
import Blog from '@templates/Blog.astro'
// Your layout, including menu and footer
const layout = {
seo: {
title: 'Blog Template - Webcore',
url: '',
description: 'A versatile and easy to use template for blogs.',
faviconUrl: '/logo.svg'
menu: {
logo: {
html: logo
items: [
{ name: 'Categories', href: '/categories' }
footer: {
logo: {
html: logo
columns: [
title: 'Sitemap',
items: [
{ name: 'Latest', href: '' },
{ name: 'Contact', href: '' },
{ name: 'RSS', href: '' }
title: 'Social',
items: [
{ name: 'LinkedIn', href: '' },
{ name: 'Medium', href: '' },
{ name: 'X', href: '' }
subText: `© ${new Date().getFullYear()} Webcore. All Rights Reserved.`
// Your hero section
const hero = {
heading: 'Brand New Array Methods',
subHeading: 'What\'s new in the latest version of JavaScript',
buttons: [{ text: 'Read More' }],
badge: {
rounded: true,
theme: theme as ButtonProps['theme'],
text: 'in JavaScript'
image: {
src: '/img/hero.png',
alt: 'Hero',
width: 500,
height: 300
// Category tiles
const tiles = {
columns: 3 as TilesProps['columns'],
items: [
{ icon: astroIcon, label: 'Roadmaps', href: '#' },
{ icon: copyIcon, label: 'Categories', href: '#' },
{ icon: githubIcon, label: 'Projects', href: '#' },
{ icon: rocketIcon, label: 'Product launches', href: '#' },
{ icon: terminalIcon, label: 'Playgrounds', href: '#' },
{ icon: discordIcon, label: 'Community', href: '#' }
// Latest articles
const posts = [{
href: '#',
img: {
src: '/img/post.png',
alt: 'img',
width: 200,
height: 150
title: 'Latest Post #1',
text: `Jan 01, ${new Date().getFullYear()} • 1 min read`
// Recommended posts
const recommended = [{
href: '#',
img: {
src: '/img/recommended.png',
alt: 'img',
width: 200,
height: 150
title: 'Recommended Post #1',
text: `Jan 01, ${new Date().getFullYear()} • 1 min read`,
secondary: true
// Author bio
const author = {
img: {
src: '/img/avatar.png',
alt: 'Jake Brown',
size: 50
name: 'Jake Brown',
role: 'Astro developer',
description: 'A short description about the author.',
secondary: true,
socials: {
links: [

Key Features

  • Create a hero section: Make a strong first impression with a customizable hero banner that highlights your blog’s purpose or a featured post.
  • Guide users with category tiles: Organize content visually, making it easy for readers to explore topics that interest them.
  • Showcase your latest articles: Display your most recent posts front and center in a grid layout, keeping your audience engaged with fresh content.
  • Display a list of recommendations: Suggest related articles based on categories or reader preferences to increase content discovery.
  • Introduce the author with social links: Build trust and connection by featuring an author bio, avatar, and links to social profiles for further engagement.


We've collected the following documentations for you that can help you get the most out of this template:

Featured img alt text
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