Search documentation v0.9.0

Social Proof

Showcase statistics to build trust and credibility

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Use the SocialProof component to showcase milestones or testimonials to build trust and credibility and increase engagement and conversion.

1M+ monthly readers
500+ tutorials
1000+ happy customers
How to use the SocialProof component in Astro
<SocialProof items={[
{ text: '1M+', subText: 'monthly readers' },
{ text: '500+', subText: 'tutorials' },
{ text: '1000+', subText: 'happy customers' }
]} />

The component expects and array of items. Each item must have a text property and an optional subText property that is displayed under the main text. The subText is optional, and also supports the use of HTML tags:

Social proof without subtext
1M+ readers
500+ tuts
Single social proof with HTML
1000+ happy customers. Read our reviews.
<SocialProof items={[
{ text: '1M+ readers' },
{ text: '' },
{ text: '500+ tuts' }
]} />
<SocialProof items={[
text: '1000+',
subText: 'happy customers. <a href="#">Read our reviews.</a>'
]} />

If you need to increase the spacing between items, you can modify the classes of your component, or use the className prop to pass additional CSS classes with additional styles.

Example: changing the gap to 50px
<section class:list={['flex center wrap', className]}>
<section class:list={['flex center wrap xl5', className]}>


type SocialProofProps = {
items: {
text: string
subText?: string
className?: string
items.text Sets the main text for your social proof item.
items.subText Sets additional text under your main text. Supports HTML tags.
className Pass CSS classes for your SocialProof component.